onsdag 28 april 2010

Messages to our phone!

Dear friends!
We are now sailing in conditions very similar to a Swedish early summer night. Calm seas and wind. A fresh cool breeze and a beautiful sunset. We have now "only" a three digit number on the distance to goal, right now 932 nautical miles to be exact. That we just celebrated with a nice pasta dish and some candy.

We have a satellite telephone to which you can send us messages for free via the Iridium-site.
I don't have the address here but you'll find it with the help of Google. There you click your way to a message page and can send a free sms to our phone. We put on the phone every now and then and when we do, we can read your encouraging sms!

It's of course possible to call the phone to, but that feature is more for really rich people. It's very expensive. Something like 8 euro/minute. So don't try that at home kids! Thats only for trained professionals.

Anyway. The number is:8988 1695 14000 825120. Some part of that number is "default" and already in the message box at the website. The last six digits or so is our individual phone. I don't know exactly, but you'll see.

In something like 10 days we'll be seeing the Azores! Looking forward to that! I can tell you that!

That's all for now! Auf Wiederhören. Tchüss!

Der Capitän auf Matilda, Urban

3 kommentarer:

  1. Cool!
    The Site is http://www.iridium.com/
    Click "Send a Satellite Message" in the menue on the top of the site!
    Tried different number kombinations, 88169514000825120 worked, even if i am not sure it's right :)

  2. hi!

    I think this is the right number actually:


    Try again!


  3. So glad to hear the weather is better. May it stay this way! And thank you for writing, captain - we're looking forward to more stories. Take care, Mirta
